這則新聞,想必大家都有點印象…因瑞光的未雨綢繆,擔心塑膠杯因此漫延歐洲,因此有了下面這封信,這是阿丹以台南市社區大學的名義,寫信給 Bubbleology的老闆,希望他在引進台灣之光-珍珠奶茶的同時,也跟進台灣將於5月1日強制實行的自攜環保杯享折扣的最新政策。
珍奶倫敦暴紅 英國老闆變明星
這家名為Bubbleology的台灣珍珠奶茶專賣店,位在倫敦市中心熱鬧的蘇活區,創辦人阿塞德(Assad Khan)告訴中央社記者,自21日正式對外營業以來,人潮從未間斷,每天賣出500杯以上,銷售速度遠超過他預估的250杯。
Daniel Helmdach何丹霖
Quoting Daniel Helmdach <dhelmdach@web.de:
Dear Mr. Assad Khan,
My name is Daniel, I am an German volunteer in Tainan, Taiwan. My work
placement is the environmental department of the Community College.
The news of you opening a tea shop in London appeared in local
newspapers here. First let me say that I think it's a great idea to
bring Taiwanese tea to Europe and I will come by the next time I come
to London. I go to tea shops every day here and try as much of the
non-ending varieties they offer. But I bring my own reusable cup every
time. I hate to see how much waste is produced in these shops every
day. We find loads of these in our monthly beach clean-ups (
"https://beach.tncomu.tw/" the page is only in Mandarin, but I
think the pictures tell enough). Even if they don't end up in the
oceans the contribute to the garbage issues in Taiwan, and will also
do so in London. I believe that you will know enough about today's
environmental problems. Through our work we are trying to encourage
people to bring their own cups as well.
The Taiwanese government recently passed a law requiring each tea shop
and beverage selling shop of any kind to give a discount to people who
bring their own. As it happens I went to a tea chain store yesterday
and got 10 % off, though the law will only come into effect on May
So as they are trying here to reduce their waste output, it would be
great if those shops in Europe selling Taiwanese Bubble Tea, could
also contribute to that and encourage customers to bring they're own,
maybe also through a small discount.
I would be happy to receive your answer,
Daniel Helmdach
下文是 Bubbleology老闆的回信
Thankyou for your email - we will certainly include this point into
our next board meeting. Although - question for you - do customers
bring their own re-sealable cup (the original one which we sold them)
which is just re-sealed again?...
Also, we will also be obtaining "greener/ recyclable" cups going forward.
I look forward to your answer.
Daniel Helmdach何丹霖
Dear Mr. Assad Khan,
Thank you very much for your reply and your consideration.
If people don't bring their own cup, they'll throw it away after
they finished it. While especially chain stores use thicker plastic
cups, it is just to complicated to remove the seal properly and the
cup would be open until its reused.
We use bottle-like cups with caps and if possible with scale or a
some volume indicator, so the vendors know what size it is. But even
if not, usually people trust each other enough, so there won't be a
Daniel Helmdach