To ensure they have sufficient amount of water for the usage in the Southern region of Taiwan, local government has carried out a project to channel Laonong River to Tsengwen Reservoir. The channel must run through Yusan Mountain and Alisan Mountain as it is the only passage to connect the rivers. 3 years into the project, many natural resources such as hot springs and water stream of 10,000 years old are already severely damaged.
Echoing the beautiful scenery, is the soulful voice of a local villager. This is the home of Bunun Peoples.
However, three years ago, machines invaded Taoyuan County and Shanming County which were excavated, destroying the divine surroundings that were once treasured by the inhabitants. There is only one reason behind all the excavations - Tsengwen River Cross-Border Channeling.
Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economics Affairs, South Region Water Resources
"Tsengwen River Cross-Border Channeling project will provide an important water resource in the southern region of Taiwan. We can channel Laonong River to Tsengwen Reservoir. After regulation and storage, the water can flow downstream, increasing water in Tainan and Kaohsiung areas by 600,000 tons everyday."
Qinhe Township of Taoyuan, Kaohsiung County is the starting point and also the east end of the channel which will connect Laonong River to Tsengwen Reservoir.
The east and west ends of the 14.5 kilometer channel are being excavated at the same time, running through both Yusan mountain and Alisan mountain, and even crossing the Nanzixian river between the two.
A bridge over Nanzixian River is expected to be built next year to connect the east and west ends of the channel.
The whole channeling project is due for completion before year 2012 with the west exit built on Caolan River course.
November 4th this year, two construction workers died from an accident while working on the west end of the channeling project. According to an initial investigation, the casualty was caused by a natural gas explosion. For many ecologists, as painful as it was to witness the accident, it did not come as a surprise. Excavation easily causes damages to many natural resources in the mountain range.
Takao Green Association for Ecology and Humane Studies
"Our land is at the most only 3 million years old. It is easy for such newly formed layers of land to break and collapse, and it will have a huge impact on the whole mountain and the water resource. This is not an assumption, it is already happening."
In fact, the project' s impact on the eco-system is beyond imagination.
Mayor of Kaohsiung County, Yang Qiuxing
"When they were digging the tunnel, hot springs bursted out from every direction. The scene made my heart bleed."
The project was planned in 1995 and passed an environmental evaluation in 2001. However the weather and the environment are constantly changing. Apart from one year when it suffered from a drought, Tsengwen Reservoir has been full every year since 2001. Flood discharge in the Reservoir even happened 8 times in 2005 with the amount of water doubled the annual water usage of Kaohsiung city.
Mayor of Kaohsiung County, Yang Qiuxing
"Mountain and River are both our mother. The thought of digging a channel through our mother's waist is hard to bear."
TGA Director, Lu Taiying
"After building the Hsuehshan tunnel, we have the Tsengwen River Cross-Border Channeling project, followed by the construction of the Suhwa Highway. Instead of constantly damaging our environment, we should really sit down and think of better alternatives."
經濟部水利署南區水資源局局長 楊豐榮:「曾文水庫越域引水計畫是台灣南部地區重要的水資源工程計畫,我們可以把荖濃溪的水引到曾文水庫,然後曾文水庫調蓄後水再流到下游,讓台南和高雄地區一天可以增加六十萬噸的水。」
高雄市綠色協會總幹事 魯台營:「我們的土地最多只有三百萬年,年輕地層容易破碎、容易崩塌,對整個山林和水脈的影響其實不是猜測,而是事實上已經發生。」
高雄縣長 楊秋興:「挖這個涵洞的時候,溫泉水都跑出來了,我看到心都像在滴血了。」
高雄縣長 楊秋興:「山河都是母親,我們從母親的腰椎把它穿過去要引水,真的是讓我們情何以堪!」
高雄市綠色協會總幹事 魯台營:「做完雪山工程挖通,還要做越域引水,做完越域引水,又要做蘇花高開拓,一直不斷去做山林破壞。我們應該好好的靜下來,想想更好的方案。」
The project remains under construction, but what changes have already been made in the local area? And how will the lives of the local residents be changed? We will continue on this topic tomorrow to find out.